How to Use Android Phone as a Speaker for PC

Your PC Speaker is not working and there is no other way around to play sound from your Computer then here is a method you can use to hear sound from your computer by making an Android phone as a speaker for PC. To use an Android Phone as a speaker for PC you will require following things:

Download and install SoundWire Windows’s software on your PC from here (

SoundWire Server
Download and install SoundWire Free Android App from Google Play

SoundWire Android App

The free version of the Android app identifies itself by voice every 45 minutes and displays ads. There is a 10 minute compression trial in the free version. The full version enables unlimited Opus audio compression, can handle multiple clients (up to 10 connections), and has no ads or voice identification. It also has a special Pro Mode to set and display buffer latency precisely in milliseconds.

How to Use Android Phone as a Speaker for PC

Once you have installed SoundWire App on your Android phone and SoundWire Server on your PC, then go through the following steps.

Step 1
Run SoundWire Desktop server on your PC and SoundWire App on your Android phone (remember your Phone and PC needs to be on the same network to make it work)

Step 2
Now on SoundWire server software on your PC choose the audio source as ‘Default multimedia device’ from input Select Drop down.

Step 3
On your Android phone SoundWire App, choose Auto Locate to connect to your PC automatically. If for some reason it’s not detecting then go to step number 4 otherwise to step 5.

Step 4
Enter the server Address in the SoundWire Android App which you have seen in the Desktop Server on your PC.

Step 5
Now Start playing music from your PC and you will hear that from your Android phone speaker.

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